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Journal Articles
S. T. Hsieh*, J. M. Watkins*, Z. Alibay, J. M. Plank, K. Inouye, N. V. Myung, E. D. Haberer, Electric field polarity controls distribution of viral bioreceptors within near-field electrospun biohybrid microfiber optical biosensors, ACS Applied Bio Materials 8, 2242 (2025); accepted manuscript. *These authors contributed equally.
S. T. Hsieh, J. E. Cheeney, X. Ding, N. V. Myung, E. D. Haberer, Near-field electrospinning of polymer/phage whispering gallery mode microfiber resonators for label-free biosensing, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 367, 132062 (2022); accepted manuscript
M. Plank, Z. Alibay, T. T. Ngo-Duc, M. Lai, E. A. S. Mayes, E. D. Haberer, Bifunctional M13 bacteriophage nanospheroids for the synthesis of hybrid noncentrosymmetric nanoparticles, ACS Applied Nano Materials 3, 10668 (2020); accepted manuscript
J. E. Cheeney, S. T. Hsieh, N. V. Myung, E. D. Haberer, Whispering gallery mode emission from dye-doped polymer fiber cross-sections fabricated by near-field electrospinning, Nanoscale 12, 9873 (2020); accepted manuscript
T. T. Ngo-Duc, Z. Alibay, J. M. Plank, J. E. Cheeney, E. D. Haberer, Gold-decorated M13 I-forms and S-forms for targeted photothermal lysis of bacteria, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 126 (2019); accepted manuscript
T. T. Ngo-Duc, J. M. Plank, G. Chen, R. E. S. Harrison, D. Morikis, H. Liu, E. D. Haberer, M13 bacteriophage spheroids as scaffolds for directed synthesis of spiky gold nanostructures, Nanoscale 10, 13055 (2018); accepted manuscript
Y. Yan, M. Zhang, C. H. Moon, H. C. Su, N. V. Myung, E. D Haberer, Viral-templated gold/polypyrrole nanopeapods for ammonia gas sensor, Nanotechnology 27, 325502 (2016); accepted manuscript
C. H. Moon, M. Tousi, J. Cheeney, T. T. Ngo-Duc, Z. Zuo, J. L. Liu, E. D Haberer, Effects of 8-mer acidic peptide concentration on the morphology and photoluminescence of synthesized ZnO nanomaterials, Applied Physics A 121, 757 (2015)
C. H. Moon, N. V. Myung, E. D. Haberer, Chemiresistive hydrogen gas sensors from gold-palladium nanopeapods, Applied Physics Letters 105, 223102 (2014)
M. S. Zaman, E. D. Haberer, Mineralization and optical characterization of copper oxide nanoparticles using a high aspect ratio bio-template, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 154308 (2014)
M. S. Zaman, C. H. Moon, E. D. Haberer, Sensitive ammonia gas sensors fabricated using biologically assembled copper sulfide, Applied Physics Express 7, 117002 (2014)
M. S. Zaman, G. B. Grajeda, E. D. Haberer, Optical and electrical stability of viral-templated copper sulfide (Cu1.8S) films, Journal of Applied Physics 115, 144311 (2014)
C. H. Moon, M. Zhang, N. V. Myung, E. D. Haberer, Highly sensitive hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas sensors from viral-templated nanocrystalline gold nanowires, Nanotechnology 25, 135205 (2014) Featured on
M. S. Zaman, C. H. Moon, K. N. Bozhilov, E. D. Haberer, Phage-directed synthesis of copper sulfide: structural and optical characterization, Nanotechnology 24, 325602 (2013)
J. H. Joo, J. F. Hodelin, E. L. Hu, E. D. Haberer, Viral-assisted assembly and photoelectric response of individual Au/CdSe core-shell nanowires, Materials Letters 89, 347 (2012)
E. D. Haberer, J. H. Joo, J. F. Hodelin, E. L. Hu, Enhanced photogenerated carrier collection in hybrid films of bio-templated gold nanowires and nanocrystalline CdSe, Nanotechnology 20, 415206 (2009)
A. C. Tamboli, E. D. Haberer, R. Sharma, K. H. Lee, S. Nakamura, E. L. Hu, Room-temperature continuous-wave lasing in GaN/InGaN microdisks, Nature Photonics 1, 61 (2007)
C. Meier, K. Hennessy, E. D. Haberer, R. Sharma, Y. S-. Choi, K. McGroddy, S. Keller, S. P. DenBaars, S. Nakamura, E. L. Hu, Visible resonant modes in GaN-based photonic crystal membrane cavities, Applied Physics Letters 88, 031111 (2006)
Y. -S. Choi, K. Hennessy, R. Sharma, E. Haberer, Y. Gao, S. P. DenBaars, S. Nakamura, E. L. Hu, C. Meier, GaN blue photonic crystal membrane nanocavities, Applied Physics Letters 87, 243101 (2005)
R. Sharma, E. D. Haberer, C. Meier, E. L. Hu, S. Nakamura, Vertically oriented GaN-based air-gap distributed Bragg reflector structure fabricated using band-gap-selective photoelectrochemical etching, Applied Physics Letters 87, 051107 (2005)
E. D. Haberer, R. Sharma, C. Meier, A. R. Stonas, S. Nakamura, S. P. DenBaars, E. L. Hu, Freestanding, optically-pumped, GaN/InGaN microdisk lasers fabricated by photoelectrochemical etching, Applied Physics Letters 85, 5179 (2004)
E. D. Haberer, R. Sharma, A. R. Stonas, S. Nakamura, S. P. DenBaars, E. L. Hu, Removal of thick InGaN layers for optical devices using bandgap-selective photoelectrochemical etching, Applied Physics Letters 85, 762 (2004)
E. D. Haberer, C-. H. Chen, M. Hansen, S. Keller, S. P. DenBaars, U. K. Mishra, E. L. Hu, Enhanced diffusion as a mechanism for ion-induced damage propagation in GaN. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 19, 603 (2001)
E. D. Haberer, C-. H. Chen, A. Abare, M. Hansen, S. P. DenBaars, L. Coldren, U. K. Mishra, E. L. Hu. Channeling as a Mechanism for Dry Etch Damage in GaN, Applied Physics Letters 76, 3941 (2000)
C-. H. Chen, S. Keller, E. D. Haberer, L. Zhang, S. P. DenBaars, E. L. Hu, U. K. Mishra, Cl2 reactive ion etching for gate recessing of AlGaN/GaN field-effect transistors. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 17, 2755 (1999)
Book Chapters
E. D. Haberer. Learning from Biology: Viral-Templated Materials and Devices. Microelectronics to Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices & Manufacturability. Ed. A. B. Kaul. CRC Press. 2012 Invited
Engineering Education
M. Ing, M. Ward, E. D. Haberer, Building on Students' Knowledge of Solar Cells: Integrating Mathematics and Science to Support Engineering Design Tasks, Science Scope, 36, 21 (2013)
M. Ing, P. Huang, N. LaCombe, Y. Martinez-Lopez, E. D. Haberer, Creating opportunities for reflection: Analyzing middle school student work during a service-learning course on solar cells. International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, 7, 53 (2012)
M. Ing, P. Huang, N. LaCombe, Y. Martinez, E. D. Haberer, Identifying a solar cell misconception held by middle school students. ASQ Advancing the STEM Agenda in Education, the Workplace and Society Conference, Menomonie, Wisconsin, 19-20 July, 2011.